Technically, ecumenism applies only to Christianity, within Christianity. That, in itself is very curious. The devil is not concerned with compromising Islam or Hinduism because they have nothing to do with Jesus Christ. It is not necessary to corrupt these religions. They are already totally off the mark. The devil, satan is only attacking Christianity. Do you understand this?
But Christianity has the Truth which, from satan's perspective, needs to be diluted, corrupted and perverted, obliterated. What better way than to mix up everyone's "interpretation" of the Truth, and make it so ambiguous that it becomes palatable to anyone and everyone who "wants" a religion… on their own terms. Introduce "gray areas"… impotent translations… doctrines which gratify the flesh… and "holy" wizards and witches to orchestrate it all. Do you understand this??
I must say, I have not found any so-called "Christian" blog services which I want to be on. Since early on in my experience with "christianblogsite" (cbs), I actively searched for another blog service; a "true Christian" service. I have concluded there are none, (one of the reasons why I have this blog). Do you know why? Because they all either "have" to be, or they "want" to be E C U M E N I C A L.
No mature, knowledgeable child of God, discerning Truth from error in his right spiritual mind (Heb. 5:13-14), would fellowship with a mormon, or a christian "scientist?", or a romanist (and now, Jan2016, especially "those" episcopalians). So you just will not see this kind of blog service offered by, let's say… The Brethren, or to use an extreme to make a point… the Quakers. If there was a blogsite out there by either of these groups, I assure you, there would not be any talk of astral projection or homosexuality.
So the services that are available are dangerous… and an obstacle to discovering the Truth. They all attempt to exercise the same control and "muzzling" that cbs employs because ecumenism dictates it. All religions are welcome therefore there is truth mixed with error. When you blend error with truth you have destroyed the truth. You no longer have a mixture of truth and error; you have error, and error is ALWAYS in excess..

The administrator of cbs has said, "There is nothing wrong with various opinions" -- There, I submit, is the GREAT problem in Christendom. There is EVERYTHING wrong with Christians having various opinions about our faith and our doctrine. Not that I would deny the natural tendency of "having" an opinion, but I suggest to you that "opinion" HAS to be brought into conformity with scripture and NOT allowed to be "established" in our minds and heart as "another" interpretation. Only the purity and honesty of scripture can dwell there.
This is where progressive liberals and lazy students would interject, "But there are gray areas in scripture." No, there are NONE. There is only UNLEARNED areas in scripture. It is carnal immaturity and slothfulness that would prevent one from knowing. God has given us everything He wants us to know, and He WANTS us to know all of what He has given us.
And then there is the "infamous" tired platitude, "We must agree to disagree". The only thing I agree to is that there are those who will not learn and those who have not learned. And there are those who "think" they have learned, and think they are saved and righteous; "teaching" a great many people "how to" be saved and righteous, and learned. "Agree to disagree"? …this is one of satan's fetters. And those who promote this attitude pride themselves in their politically correct tolerance of fellow human beings and their right to their opinion. The traditions of men.
Error is always in excess. Consider yet one more quote… "I have allowed all kinds of opinions that I may not agree with". This, I would submit, is your own blatant sin, sir. In the community (family, Body) of the Church, you calling yourself a pastor, ALLOW? various opinion to confuse the Word of God. And if you say, "No one can know perfectly or definitively what the Word is really saying" then I would say YOU are part of that problem; calling yourself a "religious leader" and not being able to lead us into those Truths. And especially since you have the "special" power of being "Baptized" in the (pentecostal) Spirit?? Something is very wrong with this picture!
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