Santa Claus... Ho-Ho-Ho… or… Oh-Oh-Oh!
Most people never dig into the history of "tradition" - or why they believe what they believe and do what they do, especially with regard to "holidays". We live in a world filled with rituals and customs, but few people ever wonder about, or seek to understand their origins. We generally accept them without question, passed down from generation to generation. Most people basically do what everyone else does because it is easier and more natural to… "go with the flow!"
(one of the reasons for the "sheep" metaphor). Take for example… the Santa Claus experience… "Saint" Nicholas.
Although I would hope to change everyone's mind about the perversion that is Santa Claus, I do not want to present here all the information that is available, nor even half of what is available. Should anyone
REALLY care enough to do the right thing, you will need to search out the truth for yourself. But I do want to whet your appetites to know more.