Monday, December 21, 2015


Most people who call themselves Christians "do not agree"  with my previous essay on Christmas. That's the polite way of saying you prefer to believe the world's version… the lies. I did not present my "opinions," but the information of the ages.

Why do we resist the truth? Difficult to accept isn't it? The "anti" Christmas message is that which would tear families apart. Isn't that amazing, (shameful, really). The fact that Christmas should have more of a divisive factor in families than Christ does, is a condemnation on us all. Jesus said He would be the divisive factor… not a "holiday".

Do we make are own rules up? 

Gospel integrity is the best security against wickedness.

I rejoice in the righteousness of God, NOT the unrighteousness of a pagan festival. To be humble and praise God for His mercy toward me a sinner is the true celebration. One way to praise God is to uphold the purity of His Truth. One way to dishonor God is to believe the lies of the world. One way to reject God is to accept the traditions of men over the Truth of God. We even sanctify the "candy cane" because of a "legend". Lord have mercy.

It appears WE would be the sovereigns of our lives. Even with the in-dwelling Spirit, we are Israel (déjà vu) all over again. The Lord rules… choose you this day whom you will serve… the Lord or yourself. Christmas belongs to the world. Christ belongs to Heaven. PICK ONE!

Though Jeremiah lamented of the Jews desolations, yet he named them.

It is satan that would take the focus of the world, OFF of the Resurrection of Christ and mesmerize us with the birth of a child. The Resurrection is the single most indisputable doctrine of Christianity. satan attacks it in two ways… Christmas and Easter. See you in the spring.

Peace to you,

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