Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I found this (photo?) on Google. It is not a particularly spectacular photo as far as "space photos" go. However, what intrigues me this time are the "numbers". I tend to be more skeptical than gullible, so I do not soak all the "space" and "scientific" stuff in right away… if at all. I'm at the point in my life that if it does not agree with the Word of God, it isn't true. One would have to "prove" everything else to me. Even the truth that is in the Bible is proven to me by my understanding. I may read something, which we accept as true, but I might not understand it yet. It is still truth, but it proves itself with my understanding. Some might say, "Just because you understand a sentence doesn't mean it is true". That's right. But I do not refer to just "a sentence". I refer to the Word of God and to the Holy Spirit confirming and revealing the Truth.

So, back to NASA…
Not to give them any credibility, but the accompanying statistics stated  "A massive cluster of galaxies located about 2.3 billion light years away, "Abell 1689", shows signs of merging activity. Hundred-million-degree gas detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is shown as purple in this image, while galaxies from optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope are colored yellow".

So right away we are told (to demonstrate their absolute integrity) the colors are false, added, not real. I don't care. However, the purple area indicates gases of 100 million degrees. I wonder if they determine the temperature by any method even remotely related to the approach they have taken in "carbon dating" ...the method they use to determine the age of the Earth?

But I am curious about magnitude, as in "enormousness". I mean, what is the "biggest" word that would define the "biggest" anything? Ginormous? Colossamongous?  This cluster, they say, is 2.3 BILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY! We are so jaded to these kinds of numbers… 2.3 billion light years away. Now, one light year is the distance light (which travels at approximately 186,000 miles PER SECOND) would travel in one year. If one could travel at the speed of light, it would take one year to get from point A, to an object which is one light year away. ONE YEAR… at the speed of light!

How many "miles" is that?
Light traveling at approximately 186,000 miles a second, x 60 (secs.) will get you a distance of 11,160,000 miles traveled in one minute; x 60 (mins.) again will get you a distance of 669,600,000 miles traveled in one hour; x 24 (hrs.) will get you a distance of 16,070,400,000 miles traveled in one day; x 365(days) will get you a distance of 5,865,696,000,000 miles traveled in one year. Does anyone have a calculator that big? If you do… now you must multiply that by 2.3 billion! I'd be curious as to how many "feet" that is?

These are fantastical numbers, and frankly cannot be proven to me… maybe to you… not to me. They (scientists) certainly have NOT proven to me that they know how old the Earth is. Hey folks… these are the same cast of characters which gave us and perpetuate evolution. The other side of that coin is… I don't care. I don't care IF they find the end of the universe. I don't care if they don't find the end of the universe. I don't care how big it is. I am already convinced and sure of God… what else is there?

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