Wednesday, September 22, 2021

That You May Marvel

....that you may marvel.
Marvel: to be filled with wonder or astonishment; awe

Some people may say
(and have said) why did God make a Platypus? 

The answer is because He can, that you may marvel. 
Nature (Creation)
I enjoy watching most nature programs such as Blue Planet, Nova, Planet Earth, Nature, and similar documentaries. Invariably, I am amazed at the sustainable abundance and the overwhelming diversity of life on our planet. I will offer three examples of "numbers"…
Conservative estimates suggest that the number of insect SPECIES is 2 million, and more liberal estimates extend to 30 million. Individual "bugs" alive in the world today are estimated to be
10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000). Just a point of fact – all bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs. Some crazy projections estimate there are more insect species that have yet to be "named" than there are those already identified. Ponder on those numbers a minute while I introduce another example…
The Herring
Let me present one thought provoking scenario. The herring. If ever there was an innumerable animal, the herring could certainly be a representative. The schools of adult herring are massive. Whales voraciously feed on them, seemingly exterminating the entire population. And yet, millions of adult female herring go on to lay as many as 200,000 eggs each in various parts of the world. Egg mortality is extremely high. Everything from crabs to big, brown bears gorge themselves on the eggs. And still massive quantities of progeny are produced. In this vulnerable larval stage, again, huge numbers are consumed. Only about 1% of herring larvae will survive to become juvenile fish... 1% !!

AND…during this apparent near annihilation at various stages of growth, over 400,000 metric tons are harvested in the Baltic Sea area alone. This is just a nutshell summary of herring reproduction and predation. 

My questions are...
1. Did "evolution" have enough time to figure out that herring will need to reproduce in astronomical numbers in order to survive?
2. Where might those numbers be set so as to not "overpopulate" the seas?
3. Do we really believe evolution accommodated the voracious appetite of those that feed on herring - the eggs, young, and adults - by eventually establishing, let's say… 17 trillion eggs to be sufficient for the "survival of the species"?
It is ludicrous. By the time "evolution" figured out that "everything is eating the herring-we need to adjust the reproduction rate" they would have been entirely gobbled up. One would have to conclude that herring, as well as many other pelagic, food-source species, would necessarily have been established in vast numbers in order to survive the "first wave" of attack. God from inception, not only established the numbers, but He knows the numbers!

I found this (photo?) on Google. NASA says….
"A massive cluster of galaxies located about 2.3 billion light years away, "Abell 1689", shows signs of merging activity. Hundred-million-degree gas detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is shown as purple in this image, while galaxies from optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope are colored yellow".
The purple area indicates gases of 100 million degrees, they say. I wonder if they determine the temperature by any method even remotely related to the approach they have taken in "carbon dating?" ...the method they use to determine the age of the Earth.
But I am curious about magnitude, as in "enormousness". 

I mean, what is the "biggest" word that would define the "biggest" anything? Ginormous? Colossamongous? 
This cluster, they say, is 2.3 BILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY! We are so jaded to these kinds of numbers… 2.3 billion light years away.
Now, one light year is the distance light (which travels at approximately 186,000 miles PER SECOND) would travel in one year. If one could travel at the speed of light, it would take one year to get from point A to an object which is one light year away. ONE YEAR… at the speed of light!
How many "miles" is that?
Light traveling at approximately 186,000 miles a second, x 60 (secs.) will get you a distance of 11,160,000 miles traveled in one minute; x 60 (mins.) again will get you a distance of 669,600,000 miles traveled in one hour; x 24 (hrs.) will get you a distance of 16,070,400,000 miles traveled in one day; x 365(days) will get you a distance of 5,865,696,000,000 miles traveled in one year... THAT is a light year! Does anyone have a calculator that big? If you do… now you must multiply that by 2.3 billion! I'd be curious as to how many "feet" that is?
And Then There Is The "Theory" of  evolution

There is no God in the theory of evolution. The "theory" is the antithesis of God; i.e., opposition to God. Science is the god in evolution, and evolution is the god of science.

Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Science: my definition, Man methodically attempting to unravel the mysteries of the work of God without consulting God. Can you say, FUTILE?
Much of what "science" has studied, proposed or questioned (to the exclusion of God) is answered in God but they refuse to accept Him. How much more knowledgeable and wiser would we be if we would introduce God and His answers to our questions.
Proverbs 1:7 - The fear and reverence of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 2:6 - For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

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