Thursday, August 27, 2020


Consider MY dog, Molly.

I was contemplating (deep thought) whether my dog has the capacity of what we call love; the ability to be affectionate. More than any other definition, we put more emphasis on "feeling(s)" to explain what love is. But feeling may be of least importance. I believe "utmost devotion" to be a better definition of love…a commitment, if you will, of the responsibility we assume to care for someone else more than ourselves. 1 Corinthians 13:8 says, "Love never fails." NEVER failing!
THAT standard is exceedingly high.
I have, on occasion, failed my dog. She has NOT failed me.

Scripture says, "God is love."
The perfection of love was demonstrated by Jesus' death on the cross. It was again revealed by His Resurrection. Jesus loved us enough to die for us. God loved Jesus AND us enough to raise Him from the dead. This is a devotion and a commitment beyond my understanding of love.

This is WAY more than a "feeling."
Not to be irreverent, but I believe my dog, Molly, would die for me.

Scripture also says, "Love covers over a multitude of sins" which is precisely what God did for us in Christ Jesus. God has not only covered over my sins, but He has utterly cleansed me of that nature Romans 6:6; washed me in the blood of Jesus 1 John 1:7; removed them as far as east is from west Psalm 103:12; NEVER to remember them again, Hebrews 8:12.
Molly's love also "covers over" my sin. I have sinned against her too. Oh yes, you can sin against an animal, Numbers 22:28. Not that I beat Molly, but I have "denied" her, because it was more expedient for me. But she doesn't see it because I am "covered over" with love.

Jesus said, "Love each other as I have loved you." Try that on for size.
For the sake of argument – maybe we can't love each other as Jesus loves us because He is God, and God IS love. But let's back down several notches… we can't even love our dogs as they love us! My dog Molly is affectionate (are they capable of that?). She achieves (not "tries" to be) ACHIEVES! an intimate friendship; on her own initiative! Do dogs have these kinds of feelings?
If they do, then their hearts can be broken.
It is a depressing, sorrowful thing for such a sincere love to be so dejected.

He who loves another has fulfilled (ALL) the law, Galatians 5:14.
Perfect love.

Love suffers long and is kind,
Love does not envy,
Love does not parade itself,
Love is not puffed up,
Love does not behave rudely,
Love does not seek its own,
Love is not provoked,
Love thinks no evil.
Love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth.
Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
Love endures all things.
Love never fails.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three.
But the greatest of these is love. ~ 1 Cor. 13

And the greatest of dogs is Molly.

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