Thursday, November 1, 2018


Ah, politics and religion… the two subjects "they" say should not be mixed. Whatever "they" think they mean by that, I'm sure "they" don't know. I suppose it stems from, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Matt. 22:21.

We know there are democrats who call themselves "Christian".… look at barack hussein obama, nancy pelosi.

But I have asked myself "how can this be"? Well, in order to answer my own question, I had to assert certain conclusions… some obvious, some perhaps not. Nevertheless, based on perceived evidence, I have to conclude that some who say they are "Christian", HAVE NO CLUE about Christianity. Is that an acceptable conclusion? It is to me. This group includes those who might very well be saved or only THINK they are saved? …but do not know the Word because they probably do not study it. They may go to a church, but that's as far as it goes. 

Then there are those that just go to a church. Christian churches are so diverse nowadays and so prevalent that hey… pick one. There are, by conservative count, over 30,000-50,000 denominations worldwide. Within that number, Baptists comprise the largest number of “splinter” groups. Christian Denominations in USA .
(there are 111 “Baptist churches” listed in in Dayton, OH alone …last time I checked… 75 in Fayetteville, NC, and 8 in little ole Groton, CT. That’s just the Baptists! But that's another post.).

We know some people go to church for social reasons. Others go for business networking, etc., etc. We all know the WRONG reasons to go to church. There are both democrats and republicans in the vast group of church goers… true believers - spiritual, mature brethren - carnal Christians - and those that have no clue which way heaven is.

My quandary though concerns believers in profession only, whether spiritual or carnal; mature or babes. These are people who have made a profession of "faith" or were told by some eloquent membership booster "You are now saved" because they repeated some rhetorical script. If you have a Bible, you have the answer to my question. Some may choose to ignore it or compromise it to fit their agenda, but that does not change the answer.

What is a liberal? What is a conservative? What does it mean to support the Left? Or the Right? What does a certain political party stand for? What does the democrat party stand for? Generally speaking, the democrat party follows a more radically liberal platform; the Republican party follows a more conservative platform. The following summarizes the ideology of the Democratic party…

* These are the biggies!
Obviously, that graphic is a few years old. As same sex marriages are now the law of the land, and worse. Congratulations all you “Christian” democrats.

There is no way that anyone who claims a Christ-like character and understands the Word of God can morally justify voting for a politician or a person who supports abortion, homosexuality (married or not), doctor assisted suicide, or lack of personal responsibility. No Way! Conclusion, democrats are anti-God. Democrats are not Christian! A Christian cannot be democrat! The rest is minor stuff.

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