To do what is
"RIGHT" has been the standard and the goal of civilized, compassionate,
loving man from the beginning. It is a hallmark of decency. It is the
essence of the “golden” rule… “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
…summarized in, “Love your neighbor
as yourself.” Matt 22:39
Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a moral maxim or principle of altruism
found in many human cultures and religions, suggesting it may be related to a fundamental human nature. The Golden
Rule differs from the maxim of reciprocity and is rather a unilateral moral
commitment to the well-being of the other without
the expectation of anything in return. The concept occurs in some form in nearly
every religion and ethical tradition. It can also be explained from the
perspectives of psychology, philosophy, sociology, and economics.
Psychologically, it involves a person empathizing with others. Philosophically,
it involves a person perceiving their neighbor also as "I" or
"self". Sociologically, 'love your neighbor as yourself' is
applicable between individuals, between groups, and also between individuals
and groups.”] --Wikipedia
Wikipedia offers a mixed bag on what IS
“right”. From a humanist perspective, their description of “the Golden Rule” is
all well and good, and acceptable to the civility of “normal” people, but cannot
be attained to.
RIGHT is defined as [that which is morally correct,
just, or honorable… righteousness, virtue, integrity.] The whole
explanation of the “Golden Rule” being found in nearly every religion and
ethical tradition which suggests it is related to a fundamental human nature fails because
human nature is un-RIGHT-eous, selfish, greedy and evil. That’s why it’s a
commandment… a law, a maxim, a rule to live by, etc. But look… it’s all around
us… WE FAIL!
“There is no one righteous, not even one.”
Rom. 3:10
“They are corrupt, they have committed
abominable deeds. There is no one who does good.” Psalm 14:1
“…for no one living is righteous before You.” Psalm 143:2
“And God saw the earth, and behold, it
was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” Gen. 6:12
“They do not know nor do they
understand; They walk about in darkness.” Psalm 82:5
So, what do we do? We do not like to fail;
we do not like to feel guilty; we do not like to be accused of wrong; and so
many don’t care what’s right.
right vs. wrong. Let’s politicize it. We don’t want to argue morality, we want a
political argument. Yes… we can win that. (can’t
win the moral argument because we are condemned by it). So… it's not about
right versus wrong anymore. It can't be... or we, the moral majority, would not
be losing these arguments. But we are!
[Right versus wrong. The left has been clever in eliminating that (right versus wrong) as a determinant in behavior. And what it's been replaced by is “Us versus Them.” The "us" are the oppressed, grievance-filled minorities who feel like they have been denied liberty, freedom, whatever they think they've been denied by these evil majorities. We are the villain. And that's the battle now. But we don't know that. We still think it's right and wrong so we're sitting here incredulous that all of this behavior any normal person would see is wrong, is not being looked at that way by the leftist culture warriors. This is “us versus them,” and the “us” are winning, and it's payback, it's a whole bunch of stuff.
The whole idea of anybody being able to use any restroom they want and be applauded for it was unheard of. It's just one of many things that illustrate what many believe to be the cultural decay. It doesn't make any sense, within the framework of right versus wrong. Obliterating morality has been what the culture war is all about, not asserting it and not having it triumph. The whole point of the culture war is an “us-versus-them” framework now, and the "us" is all of the disparate minorities of the world versus the "them," which is people they claim to be the oppressive majority. And the whole point of the us-versus-them battle has been to obliterate the whole notion of morality. Just wipe it out, on the belief that nobody has the right to define it. Nobody can write laws that are based on morality and have them apply to everybody, because your morality may differ from mine, and there isn't any universal morality; there isn't any universal right and wrong. And the culture warriors believe that there is universal right and wrong only because the majorities have had the tyrannical power to use right and wrong as ways to oppress people.
That the whole concept of right and
wrong is nothing more than political power movements. And they always
found themselves on the minority or losing side of these. So something as
simple as morality and right and wrong has now become politicized, and
therefore illegitimate, because you don't have the right to tell somebody
what's right and wrong. You don't have the right to define morality -- and if
you do, then you're a problem. You're the problem. You're the oppressive, old
fogey, fuddy-duddy problem.
Meanwhile, you think you're just
standing up for what's right and justice and wholesome and good, and their
whole objective has been just to erase all of that. We've lost the culture war,
those of us on the right. We lost the culture war. We lost it a long time ago;
we don't know it. We're still fighting it as though the outcome is still up for
grabs; we could still win it. So the concept of freedom fades away,
becomes meaningless, replaced by grievance industries demanding tolerance as
the new freedom. It's become us versus them. It's tribal. The
problem, you see, is that the left has shifted this entire culture battle or
culture war from right versus wrong to us versus them. There isn't any
right versus wrong.
The only way they can win this war is by
obliterating the concepts of right versus wrong, because they are wrong, and
they know it, and they don't want to be thought of that way. So they just
obliterate the whole concept of right versus wrong, and it gets replaced by
something we could call us versus them, where it becomes more important to be
on the popular side of any issue than it is to be right, as in correct. How
else can you explain Planned Parenthood. It's applauded for chopping up
babies and selling the parts. People will not even condemn that. How do you
explain that? That can't be taking place in a right-versus-wrong
paradigm. There's no way right versus wrong matters. If Planned
Parenthood can survive being exposed as behaving as they do, if they can
survive and thrive and people send them even more money, then we are not in a right versus wrong
circumstance anymore. If Planned Parenthood survives that and grows,
then what must we look at this as? Us versus them. There is an argument
that it's going to take somebody like Trump who can battle the media and the
left and its culture toe-to-toe and draw support from the masses in society who
hate what the left has done but are afraid to say so themselves. They hate
what the left is doing. Masses of people hate what's happening to the
culture, but they don't know anybody on their side capable of stopping
it. Here comes Trump; it looks like he can. So they happily sign
up. And they don't care about any deficiencies.] –Rush Limbaugh
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