For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. Rom. 7:14
CARNAL = the sensuous nature of man. I am carnal. I was born carnal; I was raised carnal. I was exposed to all kinds of carnal things growing up, mostly by media (entertainment) and advertising, to the point that I am attracted to and my lusts are gratified by all things worldly and all things of the flesh… albeit, momentarily. So are you.
I say momentarily because that is all anyone who seeks “satisfaction” in the flesh can really expect. We live in “a” moment. There is nothing in the temporal, carnal existence that is eternally satiating or fulfilling. Having our senses glutted satisfies for the moment, but then we want the experience again. Our emotions are excited, our senses are heightened, our intellect is stimulated from moment to moment. Because that is what time does… tick-tocks to the next moment. What has “happened” is of no further consequence or consideration, unless it is happening now.