Tuesday, September 28, 2021

An Angel Escort

The beggar died, and was carried
by the angels to Abraham's bosom.
Luke 16:22

Nothing is said about his funeral. Of course, if he had one--it was only a pauper's funeral. Earth had no honor for the beggar, no splendid coffin, no flowers. But the angels came, and were his bearers and escort to glory!

Notice also, that nothing is said about what became of his body. The body is of little matter, for the man himself was no longer in that old, worn-out, battered frame. He was soon far away in the realm of eternal glory! When his body was dropped into the ground--the beggar, the real man, was carried away! We see him there, no longer a beggar--but enjoying eternal blessedness.

There is still another thought here. We dread death. It seems like the end of existence. But really, to the Christian--death is only a fleeting incident in his life. It is just a moment's passage through an experience which we never can understand, like birth; and then--eternal glory!

One minute, this poor beggar lies at the rich man's gate--despised, suffering, and starving! The next moment, a strange sensation passes over him, and all is confusion. And then he awakes—having been escorted by an angel to Abraham's Bosom, also likened to Paradise… the REST of the righteous dead before rapture and then judgement! There is no break in his life.

Death came also to the rich man. His riches could not save him from death. No doubt he had a splendid funeral. There would be a long procession, many mourners, a luxurious coffin, and every show of honor. Verily, he already had his reward, Matt. 6:2.

"The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom." Luke 16:22-23

This is an Old Testament account of the death of a righteous man compared to the death of an unrighteous man. In the New Testament, we are told that (for a Christian) "to be absent from the body is to be PRESENT with the Lord." 2 Cor. 5:8


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