Sunday, November 24, 2024

That Which Edifies

During the course of every week lately, I pray and hope to find something from the Word which edifies us in Christ. In one sense, just about anything from God’s word edifies, because, as Jesus said, “they speak of Me!”

But I hope to find that which would build us up together, as the Lord wills, of course.

Jesus came to edify... before the cross and after the cross. If the scriptures, in their entirety, speak of Jesus, it’s for the purpose of edification. Nothing that God does for us through and by Jesus excludes edification.

“Edify” means “to build up.”

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Assurance of Spiritual Life

Months ago, a brother said to me, “We are not guaranteed a spiritual life.” And that disturbed me. It disturbed me enough to do my own study.
I wondered...
1. ”How can I not have a spiritual life if I am Born Again ???”
2. Who is this “new man” God has created in Christ Jesus Who is my life?
3. Who is this new man renewed after the image of the One who created him.
4. If, as the Word says, I have been given a new spirit and a new heart of flesh and
    not of
 stone – where do they reside... in this earthly body of sin?
5. Hasn’t this old man been crucified with Him, so the body of sin might be
    done away that the Holy Spirit can now take up residence in a child of
6. And how can we be a heavenly creature if not spiritual?
7. If my citizenship is in heaven and of the household of God then I must be a new
    heavenly being because “flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God.